
Invincible Marvel

An Amazing, Extraordinary, Fantastic, Incredible, Mighty, Spectacular, Ultimate, Unbeatable, Uncanny, Unofficial Marvel Blog



Free Comic Book Day 2016 Revelations

Free Comic Book Day was Saturday (5/7), and boy was there a lot of things to take in. The (apparent) deaths of two major comic book heroes, the introduction of the all-new all-different Wasp, and the beginnings of new eras for Spider-Man and Steve Rogers.

Beware, spoilers ahead!

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Marvel Trivia: She-Hulk

Today is our first Invincible Marvel Fact! Today’s fact features the savage She-Hulk, aka Jennifer Walters!


Did you know that She-Hulk was created when Marvel heard rumors of a plan for a character known as She-Hulk to appear in the popular late 70s TV series The Incredible Hulk? Marvel began production on the first issue of The Savage She-Hulk so that they could copyright and trademark the character. She would go onto become one of Marvel’s most popular characters!

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