
Invincible Marvel

An Amazing, Extraordinary, Fantastic, Incredible, Mighty, Spectacular, Ultimate, Unbeatable, Uncanny, Unofficial Marvel Blog



Marvel News Roundup

Marvel has released their first teaser trailer for Luke Cage, however it is only viewable if you have a netflix account. If you do, click here to view it. The teaser will automatically start after the end credits of the last episode of Daredevil season 2. The teaser shows people trying to shoot Luke Cage, only for the bullets to bounce right off of him. It ends with the Luke Cage logo being shown, with Nas’ “Made You Look” playing over it. Luke Cage will premiere September 30th on Netflix.

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Character Spotlight: Daredevil

Every Monday here at Invincible Marvel, we do a character spotlight on a character in the Marvel Comics Universe, giving you a brief history and recommended reading about this character. To celebrate the upcoming release of Daredevil Season 2, our Invincible Marvel Character Spotlight this week is the Daredevil, aka Matt Murdock! Daredevil’s origin in his Netflix TV series is very similar to the comic book version, so I will just tell his comic book origin.

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Marvel News Roundup

March 10

Captain America: Civil War Trailer 2

This trailer has everything in it! Black Panther vs Bucky! Vision vs Scarlet Witch! War Machine falling out of the sky! SPIDER-MAN! Tickets are now onsale.

Han Solo Gets His Own Comic Book

han solo

Written by Marjorie Liu and drawn by Mark Brook, Han Solo #1 will be released in June. Starring the galaxy’s greatest smuggler and his furry sidekick, the book will go back to the time right after Episode IV and shows Han trying to go back to the way he was before he met Luke and Leia.

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Daredevil Season 2 Trailer

The trailer is full of Punisher! The differences and similarities between him and Daredevil are apparent just from the trailer. It even looks like this classic scene from the comics has made it into the TV show:

Get ready for part 2 of the trailer on February 25, featuring Elektra!

To celebrate the release of Daredevil Season 2 and the return of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Invincible Marvel will be celebrating 12 days of Marvel TV, from March 7-18!

Stay tuned for more information!
Season 1 of Daredevil is currently available on Netflix. Season 2 will be available March 18.

Character Spotlight: Elektra

Every Monday here at Invincible Marvel, we do a character spotlight on a character in the Marvel Comics Universe, giving you a brief history and recommended reading about this character. To celebrate the upcoming release of Daredevil Season 2, our Invincible Marvel Character Spotlight this week is the one and only Elektra!

Elektra Natchios was raised in Greece by her father after her mother died shortly after her birth. She was taught martial arts by a sensei at the behest of her brother. She moved to NYC and attended Columbia University, where she began dating Matt Murdock, who would go onto become the costumed vigilante Daredevil.

Elektra’s father died when her and her father were kidnapped by terrorists. This caused her to return to China and continue her training as a ninja, training with Daredevil’s former sensei Stick for a short period of time, and getting caught in the middle of the conflict between two ninja groups the Chaste and the Hand. Elektra would be tied to the Hand for years to come.

Elektra would then become the Kingpin’s assassin, which would bring her into conflict with Daredevil. Elektra then died at the hands of Bullseye, who was killed in a fight over who would be the Kingpin’s assassin. Elektra would stay dead for years until she was revived by Stick’s apprentice—Stone. Elektra has been tied to Daredevil and Matt Murdock ever since. She has yet to appear in Marvel’s All-New All-Different relaunch.

Friends, Enemies, and Allies (her allegiance changes often):

  • Daredevil
  • Wolverine
  • Kingpin
  • Bullseye
  • Stick
  • Stone


  • Improved strength, speed, and reflexes
  • Master of martial arts
  • Expert of weaponry (especially sais)

Recommended Reading:

Elektra by Frank Miller Omnibus

via [Amazon]
Daredevil Vol 1 168-181

via [Marvel]
Elektra (2014-2015)

via [Marvel]

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