Every Monday here at Invincible Marvel, we do a character spotlight on a character in the Marvel Comics Universe, giving you a brief history and recommended reading about this character. To celebrate the upcoming release of Daredevil Season 2, our Invincible Marvel Character Spotlight this week is the Punisher, aka Frank Castle!

Frank Castle is a Vietnam veteran. He was happily married and had two kids. Until, his family was murdered in cold blood by the mafia. Since then, Frank Castle has devoted his life to fighting crime, in any way he sees fit. He used his former Vietnam training and affinity for guns to become the vigilante known as the Punisher.

The Punisher first appeared in The Amazing Spider-Man #129, where he was originally supposed to be a recurring villain of the wall crawler. But his overwhelming popularity eventually led to him being reworked as an anti-hero. The Punisher’s violent style of fighting crime often comes into conflict with other heroes in the Marvel Universe, such as Daredevil, Spider-Man, Captain America, and Ghost Rider.

Recently, the Punisher has become a member of the Red Hulk’s Thunderbolts. However, as with most people, Punisher died in the beginning of Secret Wars. Though he has yet to appear in All-New All-Different Marvel, there are at least two upcoming series set to start him: The Punisher, and Daredevil/Punisher.



  • Spider-Man
  • Daredevil
  • Captain America
  • Ghost Rider


  • Barracuda
  • Jigsaw
  • Lady Gorgon
  • Hitman


  • Expert in military tactics
  • Expert in close quarters combat
  • Expert marksman
  • Special forces training

Recommended Reading (Please note that NONE OF THESE BOOKS ARE FOR KIDS):

Punisher: Welcome Back, Frank


Punisher MAX: Born


Punisher MAX Vol 6: Barracuda
